From Daunting to Doable: Equipping Pilates Teachers for the Breast Cancer Survivor Population


October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

Approximately 1 in 8 women will experience a breast cancer diagnosis over age 50. Both the UN and WHO predict a doubling global rise in adults older than 60 years from 11% in 2019 to 22% by 2050, giving a comparable increase in survivorship. Becoming informed about the in’s and out’s of cancer treatment and restoration benefits the client and supports teachers’ confidence in giving appropriate support and encouragement with life’s twists. Our Elder Eve Gentry paved the way for Pilates teachers to stand up and stand by our clients. Become informed about the increasing number of clients who will become survivors and how we can help them. This course is an excellent entry into the Survivor Certificate Program.

6 CEC (NPCP only) ZOOM CLASS, with pre-recorded materials – October 28 and 29,  2023!

Module 1: October 28th 10-noon and/or 6:30-8:30ET
Module 2: October 29th 10-noon and/or 6:30-8:30ET

Contact us here for more information!  Time slots will depend on enrollment.




LEARN… the definition, anatomy and development of the fascial system and its relation to pain and bodily dysfunction

LEARN… how to assess, decompress and break up compensations with props and the Arc

LEARN… how the activation of the fascial slings promotes joint stability and potentiates strength

LEARN… to coordinate the deep frontal line with the arm lines, superficial back, lateral lines and spiral lines

LEARN… applications of organizational fascial tensioning in Pilates Mat, coordinating the deep frontal line with the arm lines, lateral lines and spiral lines


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