Did you know that the head and neck feature in many of our clients’ issues? A fragile area by nature, clients with jaw issues, headaches, sacral imbalances as well as spinal asymmetry and foot problems can likely trace their lack of Pilates progress and distress or discomfort to this vital area. Learn fascial and motor control strategies that allow progression to more advanced Pilates vocabulary and open avenues of alleviation for stubborn “benign” symptoms.
This course is a bundle offering the best of self -study in combination with live interactive sessions. It consists of 2 parts: Part 1. distance learning/ self-study and Part 2. Live Zoom Interactive Sessions. Part 1 consists of pre-recorded lectures and reading in preparation for the live sessions, while allowing additional access for review time after the live sessions.
At the end of this course, learners will
- Better understand anatomy and bio tensegrity involved with the interconnection between the head, throat, and pelvis.
- Discover effective postural techniques coordinating interoception with more accurate proprioception through the neurodevelopmental positions, from supine to standing.
- Learn specific exercises for the integration of the eyes, tongue, epiglottis, respiratory diaphragm, and pelvic core.
- Learn the impact of vocalization on the internal fascial environment and musculature.
- Come away with exercises and concepts immediately applicable to any client and group classes.
Course Outline
Part 1. Pre-recorded Lecture: 2 hours
- Anatomy of the head neck and pelvic core
- Common issues of the head and neck in the Pilates teaching environment
- How to assess the common issues
- Addressing client short- and long-term goals
- Principles of integration for the head and neck to the pelvic core
- Exercises using mat, props and equipment in the Pilates Environment
Part 2. Live Zoom LAB 1: 2 hours
- Surface to deep anatomy.
- Self-assessment via surface anatomy, breath, and sound.
- Diaphragm exploration: separated to integrated.
Live Zoom LAB 2: 2 hours
- Neurodevelopmental Mat exercises
- Equipment integration
- Standing
- Balance- Static centering
- Dynamic integration