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Spinal Asymmetry and Scoliosis Essentials – 1

2 Part: Distance/Live Course
Mastery Track: Spinal Asymmetry
Level: Advanced, Intermediate

Dates: January 25 – February 2nd 2025.
Learn the differences between functional versus structural scoliosis, and their varying causes. Learn functional assessment techniques that help to direct intervention for the biomechanical implications of curvature not only at the separate spinal curves but throughout the whole body.

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This course is a bundle offering the best of self-study in combination with live interactive sessions. It consists of 2 parts: Part 1 Distance Learning/ self-study (pre-recorded lectures and reading in preparation for the live sessions) and Part 2 Live Zoom Interactive Sessions (real-time, interactive sessions intended for practice time along with discussion about exercises and applications in the Pilates environment). Part 2 of Spinal Asymmetry and Scoliosis Essentials delves into real-time action where participants sample and begin to discover their own individual Scolio-cues, and how to implement pelvic imbalance solutions. Going through the steps of the Spinal Asymmetry Mantra (identify the pattern, break up the pattern, re-direct the pattern, correct the pattern and go beyond the pattern) teachers begin to learn a framework to build confidence, efficiency and effectiveness for their clients with Spinal Asymmetry and Scoliosis.

  • Recordings are available upon registration.
  • 1 month to view recordings.
  • Live hours require attendance.
  • Passing the test requirement for a certificate of completion.

Part 1 (Distance Learning) Outline

Module 1 video lectures and demonstrations offer scientific knowledge of the growing field of asymmetry and scoliosis that put the movement educator on the forefront of best practice. Learn the physiologic causes manifesting in skeletal and fascial imbalances, the nature of abnormal asymmetrical mechanics to better facilitate change in clients. Learn how the biomechanics of abnormal anatomy differs from expected anatomy, along with fascial compensations that confound bone issues involving curve classification, spinal degeneration and osteoporosis. Module 2 videos include creating a client profile through assessments determining structural versus functional asymmetry. Additional Cases are presented to discover the many varying presentations in individuals. A special feature are three case video interviews to help shed light on these clients’ separate journeys and graciously allow assessments to help discern asymmetric imbalances along with how they manage their mind-body situation. Module 3 videos discuss and demonstrate Chapter 13 in Dr. Martin’s Spinal Asymmetry and Scoliosis book, summarizing framework and programming. Module 4 videos highlight 3 client interviews/assessments/demonstrations Module 5 video is a mat class on “Aging with Asymmetry”

Part 1 Objectives

  1. Better understand how to explain the meaning of spinal asymmetry and scoliosis, its causes, development and progression from youth through adult phases of life.
  2. Better understand the role of the Pilates instructor in a client’s care team, whether medical or non-medical, differentiating the movement educator’s role of influence in the management of a lifelong condition.
  3. Better understand the altered anatomy, the altered biomechanics and characteristics of the physiology associated with spinal and functional asymmetry.
  4. Learn to apply postural and functional assessments to identify the individual‘s scoliosis attributes (Scolio-Cues) along with functional preferences, faulty movement patterns and fascial dysfunctions contributing to the spinal asymmetry.
  5. Learn to apply the 3 E strategy and Pilates Therapeutic framework for asymmetry involving somatic, corrective and conditioning concepts and exercises within the Pilates environment.

Part 2 (Live Module) Outline

  • LIVE Module 1 – 2 hours. Hour 1 and 2 Identify the Pattern/ Initial Foundation: Interactive Lab 2 functional neurological balance tests Pelvic Imbalance Solutions: Core Mat Correctives and Initial Adult Foundation Functional Core Straight Leg Raise test Tensor Fasciae Lata test and correctives Establishment of Scolio-Cues
  • LIVE Module 2- 2 hours. Breaking up the Pattern Interactive Lab: Use of Constructive Rest, Manual Therapy wedges, Passive wedging for Transition Point Positional Release West Coast Baby Arc Fascial Influence Activ-Wedge use through the neurodevelopmental positions starting from mat to progress to Pilates environment equipment Review of Body Skills.
  • LIVE Module 3- 2 hours. Redirecting the Pattern Interactive Lab: Review Client Profile for and use of Scolio-Cues Interactive Lab/Demonstration: Equipment use (reformer, trapeze table, split-peddle chair) for spine progressing from somatic mat work to Pilates environment equipment including Activ-wedge use Continuing Pilates environment equipment use for ribcage, pelvis, feet.
  • LIVE Module 4- 2 hours. Summation and integration interactive session. Possibilities and adaptations for those with spinal fusion Scolio-cues Wedge use asymmetric vs symmetric movement, use integrating body therapies Contraindications Scope of practice Aging adult spine. How to work with clients on Zoom: discussion of client interviews

Part 2 Objectives

At the end of Part 2 participants will be able to:

  1. Learn to apply functional assessments to better identify and guide the individual’s scoliosis attributes (Scolio-Cues) to be used throughout the exercises. identifying functional preferences and compensatory movement patterns adding to the spinal asymmetry.
  2. Learn the difference between passive positional wedge release and the use of the Activ-Wedge® as well as defining individual Scolio-Cues to make symmetrical exercises asymmetrical, and asymmetrical exercises more effective.
  3. Learn foundational pelvic imbalance solutions to begin the re-patterning process.
  4. Learn fascial re-shaping including the use of props.
  5. Learn youth versus adult asymmetry goals and exercises through the use of the SSPOT based upon the mat exercises in Return to Life.
  6. Learn how to implement the positions of the neurodevelopmental sequence.
  7. Learn how to work effectively with clients with spinal fusion hardware.
  8. Learn how to adapt Pilates fundamental exercises for this population.
  9. Learn contraindications and precautions in working with this special population in the Pilates environment.
  10. Learn to apply an evidence-based Pilates environment framework for a safe exercise program used as an adjunct to medical care.

LEVEL: Intermediate to Advanced

This course is appropriate for movement educators, fitness trainers and allied health professionals.

Part 1 (Distance Learning Lectures)

Part 1 consists of pre-recorded lectures and reading in preparation for the live sessions, while allowing additional access for review time after the live sessions. Spinal Asymmetry as a medical diagnosis affects about 6 million people in the US. Beyond that figure, many go undiagnosed until injury or pregnancy occurs. Aging spinal asymmetry progresses a little over a degree per year. Cases of low back pain and female pelvic pain are a popular cause of concern. Do you need to know more about spinal asymmetry and scoliosis? Movement educators fill a gap between medical care and fitness, where they assume a part of the overall village of care to address larger functional and quality of life issues. Clients with asymmetries have directional biases, fascial restrictions, and compensatory patterns due to positioning in utero, handedness, direction preference, eye dominance and life experiences that take time to reveal, and re-pattern.


Complete Ethics Agreement for the Spinal Asymmetry and Scoliosis Essentials – 1 Module 1: Intro Module 1: Lecture Module 1: Ethics Module 1: Cases Module 2: Part 1 Module 2: Part 2 Module 2: Part 3 Module 2: Assessments Module 3: Part 1 Module 3: Part 2 Module 3: Part 3 Module 3: Caren Module 3: Hillary Module 3: Ellen

Part 2 – Live Module

Part 2 of Spinal Asymmetry and Scoliosis Essentials delves into real-time action where participants sample and begin to discover their own individual Scolio-cues, and how to implement pelvic imbalance solutions. Going through the steps of the Spinal Asymmetry Mantra (identify the pattern, break up the pattern, re-direct the pattern, correct the pattern and go beyond the pattern) teachers begin to learn a framework to build confidence, efficiency and effectiveness for their clients with Spinal Asymmetry and Scoliosis.


Live Workshop – Lab 1 Zoom Meeting Live Workshop – Lab 2 Zoom Meeting Live Workshop – Zoom Metting February 1st Live Workshop – Zoom Metting February 2nd Spinal Asymmetry and Scoliosis Essentials Assessment Spinal Asymmetry and Scoliosis Essentials – 1 Course Evaluaition