Scoliosis Series Part 1: Distance Education Course

Scoliosis Series Part 1: Management & Improvement

Course Description

Learn about the basics of helping your clients with scoliosis. Learn to perform a core test, ligament flexibility test and to screen for scoliosis, as well as assist clients with a home exercise program.

List of Objectives
Students will be able to:

Define scoliosis and give facts about scoliosis to clients
Describe the hallmarks of conservative scoliosis management
Apply a core self test
Perform a screen for scoliosis
Perform a validated benign hypermobility test
Facilitate details of trunk core usage
Set up a wall-spring home exercise unit; (purchase separately; NOT REQUIRED to complete the course, but helpful)
Learn 24 basic Pilates-based exercises focusing on scoliosis management and improvement, using a wall unit or traditional Pilates apparati
Facilitate trunk shift control to promote scoliosis management
Learn tips for daily cueing to aid comfort and promote better function in standing, walking and sitting.

Target Audience:
Physical Therapists and PT Assistants(CAPTA)
California Nurses (CA Board of Registered Nursing)

Educational Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Special Needs Requests will be accommodated wherever possible. Pilates Therapeutics is committed to 100% customer satisfaction.