Deepen your Skills and earn the Requirements to be Recognized as a Master Teacher of the Pilates Therapeutics® Method

Mentorship with DR. Suzanne Martin

Who Is Mentorship For?

Mentorship is for teachers and therapists who want to go the extra mile and be recognized as a master teacher. The program is a one-to-one interaction with Dr. Martin on a specific case. Although each client has individual aspects to their case, going through the process gives insight as to procedure, navigating a trajectory for a client while troubleshooting and pivoting when the client responds in their unique way.  

What Is Included/Outcomes?

Private meetings with Dr. Martin over a year period. A certificate of achievement and recognition is conferred upon completion.

What You Will Learn

Mentees learn a thought process that helps them address their specific client with a specific issue, such as breast cancer restoration, foot function, scoliosis balance and management, performing arts enhancement, hypermobility or women’s pelvic issues. It deepens knowledge of the subject and allows how to use the Pilates environment to be effective in that specific area. It builds confidence and not only empowers the Mentee, but also the client who benefits in their own ability to face their issue and learn principles of body/mind management from the inside out.  


$900 USD for 1 year of mentorship with Dr. Suzanne Martin

How the Mentorship is Conducted

1. Acceptance into the Mentorship Program

The Mentorship Program includes an agreement to join the program. Then a Zoom session is arranged with Dr. Martin to review how to implement the program guidelines, accompanying assessments and outcome measures for the client. 

2. Practical Application of the Course Material with a Client

The Mentee then meets with the client for at least 4-8 sessions. The mentee then meets with Dr. Martin after a couple of sessions as questions arise. Dr. Martin makes suggestions and helps with the course. 

3. Certificate of Achievement and Master Teacher Recognition 

The Mentee provides Dr. Martin with the final documentation as outlined in the guidelines. Dr. Martin then confers a certificate of achievement as a Master teacher of the specialty, a reference letter and recognition as a Master Teacher in that area.