Innovative Pilates Teaching Techniques with Dr. Suzanne Martin

Continuing Education for Pilates and Healthcare Professionals

Expand Your Expertise and Professionalism

Helping teachers to best help their clients through intention and artistry

Pilates Therapeutics®  offers informative, evidence-based continuing education courses delivered in a personal, easy-to-access format virtually or live. Use the courses (Individual Self-Study Courses and Mastery Track Programs) to  meet your NPCP® (National Pilates Certification Program) and the California Physical Therapy Association (CaPTA) CE requirements.  (Please note that not all courses are approved by CaPTA.)

Broaden your skill set with a variety of treatment approaches and learn to work with a variety of clients including special populations.

Gain specialized knowledge regarding advanced subjects that are often inaccessible to Pilates instructors (advanced anatomy, physiology, cancer, foot, spine, exercise possibilities for performing artists.)

Take courses online and gain credit requirements for continuing education for your certification or license renewal.

Learn to apply the knowledge to your practice setting through mentoring that goes beyond the basics.

Choose Your Education Journey

Pilates Therapeutics® Mastery Tracks equip exercise specialists to provide effective, specialized, compassionate and ethical care to their clients.


Mastery Track

Survivor Gap

Mastery Track

Performing Arts Enhancement

Mastery Track


Mastery Track

Pelvic Health

Mastery Track

Spinal Asymmetry Mastery Track

Take each course independently and add courses to accomplish your Spinal Asymmetry Mastery!

Scoliosis 1 education course for Pilates and movement practitioners

 Scoliosis 1

 (3 CECs)

Learn about the basics of helping your clients with scoliosis. Learn to perform a core test, ligament flexibility test, and to screen for scoliosis, as well as assist clients with a general Pilates-based home exercise program. Wall Springs and a Scoliometer are demonstrated in some exercises but are not necessary to pass the course.

 Scoliosis 2

 (3 CECs)

Learn about the impact of scoliosis on the breath, the anatomy of breathing, and how to perform a simple breath measure. Learn Pilates-based core exercises to fine tune the breath into the lobes of the lungs.

 Pelvic Core

 (5 CECs)

Focus on the therapeutic application of the Pilates Method in balancing the pelvis in relation to the spine and lower extremities. Learn mat exercises and strategies to address pelvic obliquity and its ramifications into the spine and lower extremities.

Dr Suzanne Martin demonstrates the use of Activ-Wedge when working with a client who has scoliosis

 Activ-wedge series

 (6 CECs)

Learn the uses of the Activ-Wedge®, a 4″ x 5″ x 2″ foam wedge, with many applications for addressing asymmetries such as scoliosis in your clients. The course covers Creating a Client Profile, Work on the Mat, and Using the Apparatus.

Spinal Asymmetry Essentials course taught for Pilates and fitness professionals

 Spinal Asymmetry EssentialsLevel 1

 (16 CECs)

2 Part Distance/Live Course

This course covers the patho-mechanics, how the biomechanics of abnormal anatomy differs from expected anatomy, as well as the pathophysiology of fascial compensations and confounding bone issues involving curve classification, spinal degeneration and osteoporosis.

 Aging with Spinal Asymmetry In the Fascia-Focused Pilates Environment

 (6 CECs)

(Combined Distance / Zoom)

Learn how to recognize and adapt to the shifting nature of asymmetry in the phases of adulthood. You will learn how to apply the principles of form and fascial force closure for structural integrity for this important population of clients.

coming soon

 Spinal Asymmetry and Scoliosis Master Mentorship- Level 2

Mentorship Level 2 advances the practitioner in a one-on-one self-paced case study overseen directly with Dr. Martin. Specific guidelines provide the learner with a framework, and intermittent meetings foster personalized and deeper understanding of the Pilates Therapeutics Method.

 Spinal Asymmetry and Scoliosis Qualification


Qualified Ambassadors receive authorization to teach the Spinal Asymmetry Essentials Course. Master designation and authorization is required to teach the course.

Cancer Survivor Gap Mastery Track

Take each course independently and add courses to accomplish your Cancer Survivor Gap Mastery!

The Upper Core

 (5 CECs)

Learn 26 Pilates-based mat exercises to target repetitive stress injuries of the upper body, a common injury in health professionals. Learn integration of the diaphragmatic ring, scapular complex and upper spine with a precise therapeutic program in order to achieve this goal.

 Breast Cancer Restoration

 (5 CECs)

Learn facts about breast cancer, and about the foundation for postural restoration that serves as a gateway to a complete physical program. Detailed instruction on lymphedema, the impacts of reconstructive treatment as well as Pilates-based exercises to promote optimal healing.

 Breast Cancer Restoration on the MOTR®

 (3 CECs)

This video course inspires Pilates instructors to use the MOTR® for this special population of survivors. The goal of this video course is to instruct Pilates Method providers, giving them tools and embodying the physical tasks themselves in order to implement a safe program for survivors.

 Abdominal and Pelvic Restoration on the MOTR®

 (3 CECs)

Restoration on the MOTR® allows survivors of any age group to have the option of adding Pilates-based strength development for studio instruction or home use. In this course Dr. Martin teaches strengthening exercises as well as lymphatic pumping exercise and scar and fascial re-shaping to fully recover from surgical procedures.

 Survivor Gap Essentials-1

 (16 CECs)

Breast, abdominal and pelvic cancer survivorship have become common chronic conditions for a number of people, especially women, due to the length women live and so living longer in survivorship. Come away with confidence in serving this much-needed population as Pilates and movement practitioner.

Survivor Gap Master Mentorship- Level 2

Mentorship Level 2 advances the practitioner in a one-on-one self-paced case study overseen directly with Dr. Martin. Specific guidelines provide the learner with a framework, and intermittent meetings foster personalized and deeper understanding of the Pilates Therapeutics Method.

Performing Arts Enhancement Mastery Track

Take each course independently and add courses to accomplish your Performing Arts Enhancement Mastery!

Pelvic Core

 (5 CECs)

Focus on the therapeutic application of the Pilates Method in balancing the pelvis in relation to the spine and lower extremities. Learn mat exercises and strategies to address pelvic obliquity and its ramifications into the spine and lower extremities.

 Postnatal Restoration: Focus on Hypermobility

 (5 CECs)

Learn about the physical risks of the 1st stages of post-partum. Learn tests for ligament flexibility, diastasis recti as well as specific Pilates-based exercises for not only the core, foot and ankle but also tips to accelerate safe restoration.

Common Foot Problems

 (3 CECs)

Learn the basics of helping your clients with foot issues as well as the variety of foot issues that affect not only dancers but the general population. Learn to identify the surface anatomy of the foot as well as learning Pilates-based exercises for foot health appropriate for studio instruction and home exercise

 Performing Arts Enhancement Essentials-Level 1

 (16 CECs)

Presented by former dancer and physiotherapist, this comprehensive program includes the following: screening, performance enhancement through training and nutrition, multiple dance discipline attention, current exercise and methods for common dance problems, Pilates Environment training, and Well-Being program management spanning pre-professional, professional as well as recreational performers.

 Performing Arts Enhancement Master Mentorship

Mentorship advances the practitioner in a one-on-one self-paced case study overseen directly with Dr. Martin. Specific guidelines provide the learner with a framework, and intermittent meetings foster personalized and deeper understanding of the Pilates Therapeutics Method.

Pelvic Health Mastery Track

Take each course independently and add courses to accomplish your Pelvic Health Mastery!

 Pelvic Core

 (5 CECs)

Focus on the therapeutic application of the Pilates Method in balancing the pelvis in relation to the spine and lower extremities. Learn mat exercises and strategies to address pelvic obliquity and its ramifications into the spine and lower extremities.

 Postnatal Restoration: Focus on Hypermobility

 (5 CECs)

Learn about the physical risks of the 1st stages of post-partum. Learn tests for ligament flexibility, diastasis recti as well as specific Pilates-based exercises for not only the core, foot and ankle but also tips to accelerate safe restoration.