Pre and Postnatal Time in the Pilates Environment
2 CE NPCP December 3rd 6.30 pm - 8.30 pm Eastern Gain insight into using Pilates to prepare women for child brith and exercises for postnatal restoration.
Continuing Education course offerings for National Pilates Certification Program (NPCP®) and California Physical Therapy Association (CaPTA) – certified professionals. May also be applied to the completion of requirements for Pilates Therapeutics® Mastery Programs.
2 CE NPCP December 3rd 6.30 pm - 8.30 pm Eastern Gain insight into using Pilates to prepare women for child brith and exercises for postnatal restoration.
18 NPCP CEs Dates: January 25 - February 2nd 2025. Learn the differences between functional versus structural scoliosis, and their varying causes. Learn functional assessment techniques that help to direct intervention for the biomechanical implications of curvature not only at the separate spinal curves but throughout the whole body.
6 CEs NPCP March 1-2nd, 2025. Learn fascial and motor control strategies that allow progression to more advanced Pilates vocabulary and open avenues of alleviation for stubborn “benign” symptoms.
Self-study course providing 5 CECs for NCPT. Learn about the physical risks of the 1st stages of postpartum. Learn tests for ligament flexibility, diastasis recti as well as specific Pilates-based exercises to accelerate safe restoration.
5 CECs. Self-study course introducing MOTR® Pilates-based strength-building exercises to the survivors of abdominal and pelvic cancer. In this course Dr. Martin teaches strengthening exercises as well as lymphatic pumping exercise and scar and fascial re-shaping to fully recover from surgical procedures.
6 CECs. Learn the uses of the Activ-Wedge®, a 4″ x 5″ x 2″ foam wedge, with many applications for addressing asymmetries such as scoliosis in your clients. The course covers Creating a Client Profile, Work on the Mat, and Using the Apparatus.
Learn facts about breast cancer, and about the foundation for postural restoration that serves as a gateway to a complete physical program. Detailed instruction on ... Read more
5 CECs. This video course inspires Pilates instructors to use the MOTR® for this special population of survivors. The goal of this video course is to instruct Pilates Method providers, giving them tools and embodying the physical tasks themselves in order to implement a safe program for survivors.
3 CECs. Learn the basics of helping your clients with foot issues as well as the variety of foot issues that affect not only dancers but the general population.
16 CECs NCPT Breast, abdominal and pelvic cancer survivorship have become common chronic conditions for a number of people, especially women, due to the length women live and so living longer in survivorship. Come away with confidence in serving this much-needed population as Pilates and movement practitioners.
This intensive course is designed to address the growing need for physical therapists to expand their practice potential into the performing arts world. Market your practice and increase your studio or clinic productivity by adding the treatment of dancers to your studio or clinic offerings
Learn about the basics of helping your clients with scoliosis in this self-study course. The course provides 3 CECs to fulfill NCPT renewals.